Now that I've recovered I thought I'd give the rest of you a glimpse into the life of a preliming gradstud.
home away from home
many hours are spent with one's closest companions
success is predicated on having the necessary supplies on hand (coke, the drink of champions)
and you find yourself seeing the same sights
after day
how can I work like this?!
nothing is safe, not even the apartment...
decipher this!
Eventually you start to go mad. You know you're on the right track if nonsense starts coming out....
"I don't mean to be purposefully obfuscatory" *
"And this is like different from the usual idiotcraty" *
*actual quotes from preliming gradstuds
But ultimately it's your fellow gradstuds, like
this one
and this one
and especially this one
that somehow manage to pull you through.
What happens next you ask?
The obligatory after party. I'd say we're looking a bit weary, wouldn't you?